My name is Dan Bohlman. I am an elementary school teacher who started doing windows on the side during the summer with my dad. Our reputation quickly grew. I am still involved with cleaning windows during the summer, but I can't teach and clean windows at the same time. One of the best business decisions I have ever made was to hire former students of mine. They are the cream of the crop and do most of the work while I am teaching.
The best way to contact me is to submit a request for an estimate above. If you have immediate questions, you may email, text, or call me at (443) 616 -4863 or bohlmandan@gmail.com Depending on the season, most estimates can be sent within 1 day of receiving the request. You do not need to be home for my estimate, but I usually try to give you the heads up when I am coming so that you are not spooked by a stranger looking into your windows early in the morning. :)
The best way to contact me is to submit a request for an estimate above. If you have immediate questions, you may email, text, or call me at (443) 616 -4863 or bohlmandan@gmail.com Depending on the season, most estimates can be sent within 1 day of receiving the request. You do not need to be home for my estimate, but I usually try to give you the heads up when I am coming so that you are not spooked by a stranger looking into your windows early in the morning. :)