Get rid of your dull screens and bring back the shine
your house deserves.
your house deserves.

- Why should you keep your screen in your window 100% of the time when it is only being used .0000001% of the time!
- Screens remove your house's curb appeal by dulling the windows.
- They quickly dirty the windows and keep them dirty--like a reverse filter. They allow the pollen and dirt particles to through and then block the wind and rain from rinsing your glass.
- They stain and trap dirt in your outside sill.
- Aluminum screens damage the glass over time by adding aluminum oxide corrosion to the glass.

- Let's face it! Screens are ugly.
- So, why is removing your screens bad for my business? Because your windows will stay clean for a long time. Are you going to call me every couple months to keep your exterior glass clean? Probably not, because by removing your screens, your windows will be kept clean for free by the wind and rain.
- For customers who occasionally open their screens, an expandable screens is a great alternative. It can fit any sized window and can be purchased for less than $10.00 at your local home improvement or online store. Click HERE for examples of these screens.
Most homeowners do not open all their windows, yet they keep ugly screens in every window all the time. Through the physics of airflow, you can aerate your house with only a few screens strategically placed in your home. I can show you how to create a cross breeze in the rooms of your house with only a minimum number of screens.
The first thing I recommend is taking out all the screens in the front of your house. Then, step back and admire how your windows shine from the street, and they haven't even been cleaned yet. Many people don't realize that windows look great from the outside as well as the inside--as long as your screens stay out of the windows.
The first thing I recommend is taking out all the screens in the front of your house. Then, step back and admire how your windows shine from the street, and they haven't even been cleaned yet. Many people don't realize that windows look great from the outside as well as the inside--as long as your screens stay out of the windows.